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While fresh lemon and lime juice is the most effective for a quick extraction (because of high levels of citric acid), you can also use ready-to-consume grapefruit juice as well. Be sure to double the sitting time to 40 minutes for this Grapefruit Juice Tek Recipe. 

I know you’re going to ask… how about orange juice? Ready-to-consume orange juice only contains ¼ of the amount of citric acid as freshly squeezed lemon juice, according to this study.

Grapefruit Juice Tek Recipe


Ingredients for this Grapefruit Juice Tek Recipe:

  • Dried mushrooms
  • Fresh grapefruit or ready-to-consume grapefruit juice
  • Mesh strainer
  • Coffee filter (basket style made of paper)

How to Make This Grapefruit Juice Tek Recipe

  1. Crush your desired dose of mushrooms using a coffee grinder, mortar and pestle or just your fingers. 
  2. Add the mushrooms into a coffee cup or tea pot (do not use metal) and cover with freshly squeezed (or ready-to-consume) grapefruit juice. 
  3. Let sit for 20 minutes. You can strain out the solids, or just leave them.  
  4. Stir in 1 cup of very hot water.