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Joy Definition

What is joy to you? 

Even though Joy has a standard definition above, we all have an understanding of what joy is. Each of us has a unique viewpoint into what actually brings joy into our life. 

For some it might be being around family and friends, for others joy is solitude in nature or with animals, the feeling we get when cooking a delicious meal or gardening in our yards. The emotion can be stimulated by multiple things in our lives and can be tapped into by many different means. 

What is important to note is that joy is available to you at any point of time, only by shifting into an activity or mindset that evokes more joy state. 

It has come to my understanding that being in a state of joy is actually our natural state of being – however, with the daily stress and obligations somehow our joy is dimmed. 

Let’s learn why joy is so important to our lives.

Why Joy Is Important: 

It has been studied that living in a state of joy leads to overall well being in life. It leads to a healthier body (with less stress), happier relationships and more satisfaction in our day to day lives. 

By regulating our joyful state of being and prioritizing it, we elevate our entire health, from the body, mind and spirit! 

Joy can help us become more resistant to what is in our life. There is a difference between joy and happiness. In that happiness is a fleeting emotion, whereas joy is more of an inner state of being! So the more we can master joy – the more we can understand how to stay in a place of happiness, peace and calmness when the waters of our life are rocky! 

Joy as children

What Is Joy For You:

Because joy is so unique and custom to each person, it is important to explore this emotional state for yourself. Here are some great questions to ask yourself: 

  • What activities do I naturally gravitate to?
  • What genuinely brings me happiness?
  • When do I feel most myself and at peace?
  • What triggers me to be OUT of joy (causes stress, anger, sadness)? 

It is important to explore both what brings you joy and equally important to understand what in your life has the opposite effect. We mention this so that you have a good awareness about what can throw you out of balance. 

Because let’s face it – life is not perfect and the better we can understand ourselves in the lows, the better we can understand how to set boundaries around those activities and situations, to stay more present in our positive state. 

Setting Boundaries

Tips for Setting Boundaries and Prioritizing Joy: 

  1. Understand your Stressors – having a thorough understanding of things that bring stress, complications and negative emotions will help you prepare to be more aware of their effects on you. By understanding your stressors, you can create an awareness and an action plan to reduce your exposure or improve your reaction when they occur. 
  2. Stay true to your boundaries : many times when we set boundaries in negative situations, stresses or with those in our lives, we may feel selfish – however it is the opposite! The more you stay true to what you need, the more your cup will be full, the higher state of joy you will be in and the more you will be able to contribute to those around you! 
  3. Take a Life Audit – look into your relationships, career, job, living situation, activites, nutrition, and where you are spending your time. Tune into your joy-o-meter in each category and take an audit in which you can bring in more joy , purpose and alignment! 

Check out our Joy Life Audit worksheet below! 

Daily Practice for More Joy: 

Download our Daily Joy List Worksheet and make a list of all the things that bring you joy. Some of us enjoy a consistent routine each day of activities that make us feel good,  but having a visual list as a go-to when our bodies or minds need something else beyond our routine. 

For example: when we are feeling low energy, instead of exercise maybe we opt for reading to bring us joy or slow stretching / meditation. Put this list up where you see every day and when you need to refocus, retune in and stimulate more joy – you will know exactly what to do! 

Here is my Joy List below:

  1. Family dinner nights – bringing family around a table of good food, there is nothing better than a warm heart, connection to my kids and family and a full belly. 
  2. Nevada desert hikes with friends and the more furry pals the better, I love soaking in the desert warmth and bonus if it is a sunset hike. 
  3. Any soft or luxurious feeling fabrics – the more fuzzy blankets, rugs, and soft items around the better 
  4. Lifting really heavy things at the gym – it brings me so To feel strong and push my boundaries, grow and thrive in the gym. This balances my mind and makes me so happy! 
  5. Getting creative with my business and helping others with theirs – masterminding, creative projects, expansion, innovation, collaborating with other beautiful minds, all things entrepreneurship brings me so much joy and I have found I need this incorporated into my week to feel my most proud and joyful 
  6. Morning hot tub dips – oh man, hot tub, coffee, starting the day. Brings me so much bliss and happiness , especially in cool months when the mornings are crisp! 
  7. California exploring – I love to explore and get my toes in the California sand, I always feel so grounded and inspired when I am near the ocean. 
  8. Mindful cooking – bringing a beautiful meal to life, turning cooking into a form of meditation, cooking simply with luxurious ingredients and flavors – yum! 
  9. Spontaneous adventures – As I get to know myself deeper in this season of life, spontaneity has been bringing me endless amounts of joy. Recently I spontaneously went dancing on a Saturday night and to feel free,expressive, and fun, sparked inner joy I haven’t felt in years! 
  10. Slow Mornings with the Pup – Waking up slooooow, with nowhere to go,  just to simply be! The simplicity of waking up slowly and with intention to be present and take care of myself and spending time with my dog!

I have a lot to add to this list, but this is just for inspiration for you to create your own! Head to the post below for all the details you need to know on how to create your own joy list!

  • Read our blog post on creating a Joy List here.   

Our Joy Downloads:  

  • My Joy List : make a list of all things that bring you joy – then look at that list and pick one thing that you feel called to do each day – you can add this into your morning or night routine. 
  • Joy Life Audit : Designed to help you dive in deep to audit where your life is currently and understand where you can bring more joy into your life – and where your joy is being drained!